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Self Publishing

Publishing, Journalism, Marketing

Compiling life experiences into the form of a book involved a comprehensive journey, from initial outlining and thorough research to the writing, meticulous editing, publishing, and ultimately, promotion. Having navigated this process successfully, I am now setting my sights on an even more ambitious project for the future.

Having enjoyed a successful career, I found myself frequently asked for advice on replicating such success, particularly in roles within the IT sector like software development. Realizing the limitations of one-on-one responses, I decided to create a vanity publication titled "Should You Become a Software Developer."

The process involved meticulous outlining, planning, writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. The book not only provided guidance to aspiring professionals but also opened doors for me, leading to podcast appearances, speaking engagements, new opportunities, and the strengthening of professional connections.

Encouraged by this success, I ventured into a new project, "Record, Report, Retreated," which delves into the phenomenon of third-party reporting. This involved interviewing notable figures such as Jeremy Vine, CyclingMickey, Andy Cox, Traffic Droid, and others. Through deep archival research, I crafted a comprehensive story set to be published in 2024.

Simultaneously, I created a pro-road-safety booklet for children, scheduled for release in December 2023.

In addition to my own projects, I am currently assisting my son in publishing his self-made booklet, extending the passion for sharing knowledge to the next generation.

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